Directed by:     Jeff Achtem

Created by:      Jeff, Julian Chapple, Hamish Fletcher

with support from Clare Bartholomew

Props :     Jeff, Julian, Hamish & Lauren Redpath

Production manager:      Ainsley Kerr

Graphic design:                Zoe Miller

Photos:                            Andrew Wuttke

On a dusty outback farm, the fates of a rooster, a cow, a blowfly and a baby collide. Welcome to Tink Tank, a new adventure from award-winning visual theatre maestros Bunk Puppets. Using bits of rubbish and household junk, Hamish Fletcher and Jules Chapple create a shadow puppet universe on a farm. A new all-ages show from Jeff Achtem, the award-winning creator of Sticks Stones Broken Bones, Swamp Juice and Slapdash Galaxy.

'The imagination and technical skill to create such a beautiful and immersive experience shows that Bunk Puppets are masters of their craft' (Radio Adelaide).